LQ Command example

CA7 Command Reference — LQ Command example. (LQ,LREQ,LRDY,LACT,LQ,JOB=JOBNAME) | Mainframe job scheduler tools.
3 min readDec 4, 2020

Let’s say you are working for a multinational Bank. The Bank infrastructure relies on the mainframe to host its core-banking application. They are using the CA 7 Workload scheduler to schedule, and run their daily batch jobs to processing the millions of transactions daily.

Now, being an operator you should know how to use the LQ command to view the status of jobs in the queue.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another exciting tutorial on CA 7 commands. In this session, you’ll learn LQ commands and their different formats. You’ll get an overview of the CA7 screen and different types of queues in the CA 7 workload scheduler. So, without wasting any time, let’s look at today’s agenda.

CA 7 Command Reference — Agenda.

  1. CA7 Workload Automation Introduction.
  2. LQ Command Overview.
  3. LQ Command Format and variants.

CA 7 Workload Automation Introduction.

CA 7 Workload Automation is a Broadcom product that is used to schedule, and run jobs on the mainframe. It actually automates the daily batch workload from small to large enterprise applications.

LQ Commands Overview.

The LQ command is very helpful in viewing the status and determining the current queue of the job (JCL). Generally, each batch job has to go through the following queues:

  • Request Queue.
  • Ready Queue.
  • Active Queue.

A job/JCL move to Request Queue and wait till all the requirements are completed. The job will only move to the Ready Queue only after the completion of all requirements.

Finally, they are submitted to the initiators. When the jobs start executing they moved to Active Queue.

Important Point: CA 7 will show only details related to an activity that is active and know to CA 7 Scheduler.

LQ Command Format.


Now, to view the list of jobs in the request, ready and active queues, you need to type the LQ command on the top line of the CA 7 window and hit enter. Following is the screen print for your reference.

LQ Command Reference.

Now, If you look at the screen above, there are many columns which are shown on the screen. Most of them are self-explanatory but I would like to explain a couple of them.

  1. Queue Name: This column shows the queue name where the job is resiting when you print the list of jobs by using the LQ command. The abbreviation RDY is for ready queue, REQ is for request queue, and ACT for the active queue.
  2. Entry Mode: This column, shows how the mainframe job got into the respective queue. It means how these jobs are triggered i.e. on-demand, ad-hoc request, or by some other jobs.
  3. JOB Status: Finally, the last column shows the current status of the job in that queue.

LQ Command Examples.

  1. LQ,ST=LATE: This command is used to lists only late jobs.
  2. LQ,ST=RSTR: This command list all jobs that require a restart.
  3. LREQ: This command lists the jobs in the request queue (i.e. waiting for requirement or restart or completed)
  4. LRDY: This command list all jobs that are submitted to the CPU but are not yet active.
  5. LACT: This command lists the jobs that are currently executing on a CPU.
  6. LQ,JOB=NAMED: This command display queue information of the job.
  7. LQ,JOB=NAMED,LIST=RQMT: This command list the requirement of the job is waiting on.
  8. LQ,JOB=JOBNAME,LIST=Q: This command shows if the JCL came from the override lib.

CA 7 Command Reference: LQ Command quick Guide.

This tutorial is associated with a youtube video to clearly explain the LQ command and its formats. Please consider subscribing to our channel.

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