IBM Watson: How To Make More Machine Learning For Z/OS!
In today’s tutorial, I’ll discuss the most trending topic of the IT Industry. I’m sure that you’ve already aware of the term. Also, you’ll be using this technology in your day to day activities. Can you guess the topic name?
Well, your guess is correct, it’s Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. These days everyone is talking about machine learning and AI.
The majority of IT companies such as Microsft, Google, Apple, IBM, Amazon, etc. are investing a lot of money in the field of Machine Learning and AI. Also, they have built various AI platforms such as Azure, IBM Watson, AWS, etc.
You’ll AI platforms leverage the capabilities of cloud computing.
You might be wondering why I’m discussing cloud computing, machine learning, AI, IBM Watson in today’s mainframe forum post.
Well, the answer is, you can leverage the capabilities of various Machine Learning models on IBM Z15 Mainframe with the help of IBM Watson for Z/OS.
Now, you know the contest of today’s blog spot. Let’s discuss the application of Machine Learning and AI. How various predictive models can be deployed into critical mainframe applications?
What Is Machine Learning?
In laymen term, Machine learning is a field of AI that enables a machine to learn from existing data. Machine learning uses a wide variety of algorithms to learn, and predict outcomes from the data.
Machine Learning is not a simple process, rather it is a complex and CPU intensive process. Machine Learning has its own limitations and challenges.
Machine Learning is applied in all most all areas whether is Banking and financial services, the medical sector, social media, etc.
What is IBM Watson?
IBM Watson is a cloud-based cognitive-computing platform being employed across a wide range of real-world scenarios. Cognitive-computing systems simulate the pattern-recognition and decision-making capabilities of the human brain to “learn” as they consume more data.
Watson’s broad range of web services and provide a hands-on Watson treatment, demonstrating many Watson capabilities. The table on the next page shows just a few of the ways in which organizations are using Watson.
What is IBM Watson Studio?
IBM Watson Studio is an integrated environment, that is designed to make it easy to build, train, and manage predictive models, as well as deploy AI-powered applications. You can use the neural network modeller and deep learning experiments in IBM Watson Studio to solve the most challenging and computationally intensive problems with clarity and ease.
What are the benefits of IBM Watson Machine Learning to your business?
Well, building a Machine Learning predictive model is fairly simple then deploying predictive models into live production environments. The task of deploying a machine learning predictive model into the legacy Mainframe Production environment is absolute a big challenge. But, surprising IBM was able to bridge this gap with IBM Watson.
IBM Watson Machine Learning for IBM z/OS brings Artificial Intelligence to your most critical business applications on IBM Z. It offers an end-to-end machine learning platform that is used to generate predictive models along with core IBM Z qualities of service.
Watson Studio Architecture and Layout.
IBM Watson is a cognitive system that allows a brand new partnership between people and machines. It is the cognitive computing offering from IBM Watson.
IBM Watson combines the five core capabilities:
- I BM Watson allows natural interaction between people and machines, based on a person’s preference.
- Rapidly ingests key business materials, partnering with specialists to scale and elevate expertise.
- Qualify new products and services to sight, reason and learn about their users and the world around them.
- Utilized data to improve existing business processes and forecasting. Also, increasing operational effectiveness.
- Enrich exploration and discovery, by uncovering unique patterns from the data.
The architecture of IBM Watson is fairly straight forward and centre around the concept of Projects. The project included various resources such as collaborators, data-sets and various analytics tools that would be used to discover pattern from underlying data.
You can use cognitive computing features in your legacy application by using IBM Watson Language, Vision, Speech, and Data APIs. IBM Watson APIs (application service) are delivered via IBM Bluemix, which is the cloud platform as a service (PaaS) developed by IBM. The following IBM Watson APIs are currently available:
IBM Watson Machine Learning for Z/OS.
- Flexible model development.
- Enhanced model accuracy.
- Improved productivity.
- Production-ready machine learning.
- Enterprise-ready AI model deployment.
Deploying machine learning into transnational applications
IBM Watson applied to industries, businesses, and science
Today, industries have huge potential to double their growth, if they analysed and discover hidden information from the available customer/transactions data. IBM Watson enables the business to integrate new cognitive capabilities into their business applications.
You would be surprised to know that more than 9 billion connected devices operate in the world today, and they generate 2.5 they are generating Quintilian bytes of new data daily.
Making sense of data embedded in intelligent devices is creating a significant market opportunity that is expected to reach $1.7 trillion by 20201.
The following list describes areas where Watson is applied to solve real problems in several industries, businesses, and science: IBM Watson Health.
- IBM Watson Commerce.
- IBM Watson Education.
- IBM Watson for Genomics.
- IBM Watson for Oncology.
- IBM Watson Care Manager.
- IBM Watson Cognitive Video.
- IBM Watson Internet of Things.
- IBM Watson for Cyber Security.
- IBM Watson for Drug Discovery.
- IBM Watson Financial Services.
- IBM Watson in the Insurance industry.
- IBM Watson Health Patient Engagement.
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