PYTHON — Programming Language.

Python: Do You Really Need It?
3 min readJan 30, 2021

In the last few years, Python has been the choice of many students and professional programmers. Python is one of the most popular, robust and powerful programming languages. Python is one of the most search terms and in fact, learned the language.

Programming language like COBOL, C, C++, Pascal or Photon concentrates more on the functional aspect of programming. In these languages there will be more focus on writing the code using functions, for example, we can imagine a C or C++ program as a combination of several functions.

Introduction to Python.

Python is a programming language that combined the future of C and JAVA. Python offers an elegant style of developing programs like C or C++. When programmers want to go for object-oriented programming then python offer classes and objects like Java. In Python, the program to add two numbers would be as follows:

Python Tutorial — Code Example.

The above code is simple and easy to understand and develop. In fact, code is very precise and do not need any explicit declaration of the variable.

Hence fight and is gaining the popularity among the programming folks. However, there are many such features that would certainly make python as one of the most popular and preferred programming languages in future.

Python popularity Index.

Stack Overflow — Popularity Index Python and Java

Python — History of Python Programming.

Python was developed by Guido Va Rossum in the year 1991 at the centre for Mathematics and Computer Science managed by the Dutch Government.

Van Rossum was working on a project to develop system utilities in C where he had to interacts with the Bourne shell available in UNIX. He felt the need of developing a language that would very well bridge the gap between C programming language and the shell programming.

This gap eventually leads to the development of Python Programming Language.

History of Python Programming Language.

How python got its name?

You’ll be surprised to know that Van Rossum picked the name for the new programming language from the TV show Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Python first working version was released by early 1990 and it was released for the public on Feb 20, 1991. The logo of Python shows two intertwined snakes as shown in the figure below:

A python is an open-source software, which means anybody can freely download it from and use it to develop programs. Its source code can be accessed and modified as per the requirements.

PYTHON — Features.

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